Cut costs,
Move faster,
and Unlock growth, with GLo.

Powered by nearly a decade of proprietary data, Glo redefines sourcing capabilities, revolutionizing how your sourcing journeys are managed and optimized.

The First AI-Native Sourcing Platform

Glo isn’t just a chatbot—it’s a proactive, predictive, and collaborative partner in sourcing. Glo goes beyond conversation to take action with your guidance, handling complex sourcing tasks autonomously.

By shifting interaction into action, Glo makes sourcing faster, smarter, and more efficient.

Meet Glo, Your AI agent

Glo is powered by Generative AI along with a proprietary dataset trained by human procurement experts with deep knowledge of the problems and processes faced by real teams.

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Interview and collect requirements

By conducting intelligent interviews with stakeholders, Glo gathers precise requirements, enhancing understanding and reducing ambiguity. With Glo, you get clear, context-aware interactions that set the foundation for successful sourcing.

Document generation & articulation

Glo generates detailed project scopes, proposals, and reports, ensuring all activities are clearly communicated between departments and stakeholders. Glo streamlines complex language tasks, delivering consistent, jargon-aware content and enabling seamless communication across cultures and languages.

Triage and logic understanding

Glo classifies and directs sourcing events to the right processes, ensuring efficiency and compliance with company protocols. Glo understands user intent, applies company rules, and leverages machine learning to guide users on the best path.

Journey implementation

By automating routine tasks and guiding the process with real-time adjustments, Glo ensures that the most efficient paths are followed. This journey-focused approach reduces manual effort, enhances consistency, and accelerates operations, delivering faster and more effective outcomes throughout the sourcing process.

Guardrail enforcement

Glo ensures procurement processes stay compliant by rigorously enforcing your organization’s policies and legal guidelines. Trained on specific rules and standards, Glo cross-checks data, consistently applies policies, and flags any deviations, minimizing risks and maintaining adherence to established protocols. As policies evolve, Glo adapts, continuously learning to keep your operations aligned and compliant.

Collaboration across business units

Glo fosters seamless collaboration between procurement, finance, legal, and other business units, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and informed. By interacting with all parties, Glo drives speed and precision in decision-making, working impartially to achieve the best outcomes for everyone involved.

Proposal analysis and decision-making

Glo analyzes proposals by swiftly processing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns, and extracting valuable insights. Glo enhances decision-making and optimizes resource allocation with unmatched speed and precision, acting as a tireless, constantly improving analyst.

Marketplace dynamics and negotiation

By analyzing proposal trends, Glo negotiates for you and consistently reaches successful deals, driving significant cost savings and adding value to your organization.

We saw Glo adopted as a beloved virtual team member, guiding the buying process through intelligent, natural language interactions and enhancing sourcing quality and cost-effectiveness.

Animesh Singh Chauhan
Procurement Manager

Your Sourcing Journey, Optimized.

Glo optimizes every step of your sourcing journey, driving smarter decisions and greater efficiency at every turn.

Next-gen scoping

Glo generates relevant, tailored questions for the Project Scope from the provided details, delivering the fastest, most focused, and effective scoping experience possible.


Average cost savings
Leading companies achieve significant savings by
adopting autonomous sourcing with Globality.


Average cost savings
Leading companies achieve significant savings by
adopting autonomous sourcing with Globality.


Average cost savings
Leading companies achieve significant savings by
adopting autonomous sourcing with Globality.


Expertise that grows with your Team

Glo’s continuous learning and deep retention of institutional knowledge ensure it’s always evolving to meet your needs.

Category expertise

Glo retains all institutional knowledge and learns continuously, iterating constantly to find the best ways to deliver value for your company. Drawing from ever-expanding industry expertise, Glo enhances accuracy, efficiency, responsiveness, and interaction intelligence, transforming every aspect of the sourcing journey.

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Legacy systems
Knowledge gaps occur when talent is at capacity.
With Glo
Knowledge is retained and continues to build and support the business 24/7, 365 days a year.
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Our employees are empowered to source what they need, when they need it, in the most competitive and compliant way possible.
Craig Patchett
Sr. Director, Procurement Transformation

Join top enterprises that are using AI to save hundreds of millions of dollars. Guaranteed.

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Unlocking the future of sourcing

Step into the next era of sourcing with intelligent strategies, seamless automation, and evolving insights that redefine every sourcing journey.
Unlock the Glo effect

Glo transforms spending into a guided, insight-led process, making it easier for everyone, open to anyone, and better for business. The impact is so meaningful and so far-reaching, customers call it “The Glo Effect.”

The Glo guarantee

With Glo, the savings are literally guaranteed: 15x the first year license fee or your money back. Step into enterprise AI with the lowest risk, highest reward option on the market. 

Take an effective
(& cost-effective) step to enterprise AI

AI-led sourcing with a 15x ROI. Guaranteed.