Come Along With Us On Our Product Innovation Journey

Check out what’s new and everything we have built to drive success for our customers

January 10, 2023

Enhanced Interactive Dialogue

For Buyer

We are excited to share that your interactive dialogue experience with Glo has been streamlined.

The primary action button has been updated from "Send" to "Continue" when answering questions from Glo. You will also see an animation right above the "Continue" button that indicates your answers are being saved as you progress through each question.



January 9, 2023

Streamlined Chat Functionality

For Buyer

We are excited to let you know about a few enhancements to the Platform's chat functionality that streamlines how you communicate with Globality Support and your project teams.

"Chat Support" in the navigation bar has been renamed "Globality Support" so you can easily reach out to our Globality team when you need help.

Once a new project is started, a conversation space named "Team Chat" is automatically generated that includes only team members from your organization who are invited to the project. You can also have a one-on-one chat via Globality Support to have a more focused discussion without your colleagues in the same conversation space.



December 22, 2022

Onboarding Badge

For Buyer

We are excited to let you know about a new "Onboarding" badge that will enable you to view a requested provider's onboarding status from the "Providers" page for a project.

Once the provider is successfully added to Globality, you will be informed via email about the newly matched provider, driving transparency.

Matched providers page_onboarding

December 8, 2022

Provider Management for Project Journey

For Buyer

We are excited to let you know about the launch of the new and improved "Providers" page that takes managing providers throughout the project journey to the next level.

The new intuitive experience draws focus to provider information that matters, reducing the cognitive load to help users make the best decision. It also streamlines the provider invitation flow and arms the users with provider statuses for the entire project life cycle to take necessary and timely actions.

Project Providers Page


November 8, 2022

Enhanced Autocomplete Questions

For Buyer

In an effort to improve your scoping experience, we have made some enhancements to the way you search and select options for your custom questions within the brief.

You will immediately see a list of all the search results that you can select from, and will be able to search by any portion of the text such as a single letter or number. 

new autocomplete ux comm code


November 1, 2022

Provider Administrator Role and More

For Seller

In an effort to continue to deliver exceptional user experience, you will see an update to the roles in Globality and a new "Clients" page. We are streamlining existing roles and introducing two new account-level roles: Provider Administrator and Team Member.

These new capabilities will enable you to view and manage the clients you work with on Globality projects in one central place, driving further compliance.

Feature available starting November 16, 2022.

Project Page as Admin

For more details, take a look at this article in our Knowledge Base.

October 20, 2022

Proposal Enhancements

For Seller

To improve your experience and make it clear what sections are required when you are building a proposal, you will see a banner at the top with the number of required sections, as well as an asterisk (*) by each section title.

You will also get a more prominent alert highlighting what needs to be filled out if the proposal is submitted without completing the required sections. 


For more information, take a look at this guide in our Knowledge Base.

October 19, 2022

Key Enhancements to Invite Emails

For Seller

We are excited to give you a heads-up about an important enhancement to the email notifications you receive when you are invited to a project opportunity on the Platform.

The emails have been simplified and co-branded with client-related information such as the company name, sender’s name, and project name, which will ensure you do not miss out on project opportunities.

Feature available starting November 17, 2022.

User provider - activated (6)


October 14, 2022

Brief Outline

For Buyer

We are excited to give you a heads-up about a new functionality, Brief Outline. Once you start scoping your project requirements, you will see a high-level overview of what sections you can expect Glo to cover throughout the scoping process.

This will enable you to plan ahead to get required information and invite your peers to answer questions more efficiently. You can also monitor and track your progress in real time with a new side panel view.

Glo nicely formats and packages all the information real-time in the Smart Brief, which is easily accessible at any time from the main menu.

Feature available starting October 18, 2022.

Brief Outline


October 14, 2022

Improvement to Subject Matter Selection

For Buyer

After submitting a description of your sourcing need, Glo analyzes your response, automatically chooses the project's subject matter for you, and serves relevant questions to help you scope your requirements.

To ensure you go down the appropriate scoping journey, you will now see an enhanced UX when confirming or adding the service offerings where you can change the project's subject matter, if needed. Glo will then prompt you to select the relevant subject matter for your sourcing need.


October 7, 2022

Intuitive Way to Search Projects

For Buyer

We continue to streamline the user experience to help you be more efficient. Going forward, you can view and search for projects via the “Projects” tab in the main menu.

As a reminder, this Projects List View page also lets you sort and filter projects so you can quickly orient yourself on each project’s phase to take key actions.

Search in Projects Page Gif


September 28, 2022

Proposal Requirements Editor

For Buyer

We are excited to share that you now have greater flexibility to create and manage structured requirements when scoping with our new feature, Proposal Requirements Editor.

Glo makes it incredibly easy to build, edit, format, and order your requirements, whether you want the responses back from suppliers in a free text format, multiple choice, or matrix. You will immediately see the value when you are able to compare these supplier responses side by side in a visually elegant format, driving better evaluation.


September 19, 2022

Proposal Creation and Submission Guide

For Seller

Check out this new guide to learn all about creating and submitting proposals on the Platform so you can maximize your opportunies to be selected for projects.



September 14, 2022


For Buyer

We are excited to launch Webhooks, which can be easily created, configured, and managed within our Platform.

Once Webhooks are set up, they will automatically give real-time notifications of specific events (i.e., Brief completed, Award completed) that occur in Globality, which can be leveraged for several use cases (i.e., creating contracts on your end). 


Webhook Event Log + Test

To learn more on how Globality connects to your existing workflows, please visit our Integration Microsite and Developer APIs Microsite.


September 9, 2022

Request for Quotation Project Type

For Buyer

You now have the option to select "Request for Quotation" as a specific sourcing type, giving you a streamlined experience when scoping your requirements.

New Q&A


August 10, 2022

Projects List View Page

For Buyer

The new "Projects List View" page gives you an incredible experience while managing your projects – it’s simple, intuitive, and efficient. In addition to getting a complete view of all your projects, you can also efficiently filter or sort to quickly orient yourself on each project's phase to take key actions.


June 14, 2022

Optional Terms and Conditions

For Buyer

You now have increased flexibility and have the option to choose if you want suppliers to accept your boiler plate standard T&Cs and Privacy Policy for each project. 



June 9, 2022

Internationalization: German

For Buyer

We are excited to share that in addition to Spanish and Portuguese, our Platform is now available in German. When any of these languages are added to your account, Glo prompts you to select your preferred language, driving a more personalized experience for your sourcing needs.

Project in German (1)


May 31, 2022

Late Proposal Submissions

For Buyer

We have launched a new feature that gives you the ability to accept proposals after the due date indicated in your briefs, giving your team increased flexibility.

Client view - late proposal by Meteor


May 27, 2022

Control of Provider Invitees

For Buyer

We are excited to share that you can now specify which individuals from the supplier organization get invited to your project and can view your brief. This enables you to continue collaborating with supplier users you may already know for specific projects.

Glo also automatically serves up pre-established supplier contacts in the event you don’t have any preferred ones within the supplier organization.

Gif - invite provider users v2


May 9, 2022

Consolidated Project Type Selection

For Buyer

We are excited to share that we have consolidated the type of sourcing events you can do on Globality into one simple question. This will ensure you have visibility into all the sourcing events you select up front to take advantage of the Platform’s comprehensiveness.

Based on the selection, Glo will navigate you accordingly and will serve relevant questions to help you precisely scope your need.

client_screenshot_project consolidation Q&A


April 29, 2022

Smart Pricing Templates

For Buyer

We have released a new functionality, Smart Pricing Templates. With this functionality, Glo serves Smart Pricing Templates tailored to your project and ensures suppliers complete the correct templates as part of their proposals.

Once proposals are submitted, Glo scans the templates, displays key data on the Platform, and consolidates all supplier pricing data into one Excel workbook for you to do further analysis. 


April 6, 2022

New UI Enhancements

For Buyer

In an effort to continue to deliver exceptional user experience, we are making enhancements to Globality’s functionalities. You will see an enhanced Globality "Home" page, a new project "Overview" page, and some UI changes throughout that will give you a better overall experience and help you manage your projects with increased efficiency.


March 2, 2022

Project Proposals Page

For Buyer

We are excited to share that you now have a new page within each project where you can easily view, track, and compare all proposals (including multiple proposal options) from suppliers in one central place, driving efficiency when evaluating proposals.

New Project Proposals Page


February 17, 2022

Evaluate Suppliers with Insights Powered by AI

For Buyer

Glo now presents insights powered by AI that are uniquely relevant for each project such as suppliers’ case studies and experiences in specific industries, geographies, and services.
These at-a-glance insights will enable you to quickly identify suppliers that best match your project requirements and ultimately award the best-fit supplier.


February 4, 2022

Revamped Client Knowledge Base: Comprehensive. Simple. Accessible. Scalable.

For Buyer

We are excited to announce that we have updated and revamped our Client Knowledge Base to be more self-serve, comprehensive, and accessible. You can search from 80+ articles to help answer frequently asked questions.



January 6, 2022

Enhanced Sole Source Experience

For Buyer

We are excited to share that you will now get a great end-to-end experience when you run a sole source event on the Platform. We deliver a unique set of values for sole source to both procurement teams and business stakeholders.


December 7, 2021

Integration and Developer API Microsites

For Buyer

We have launched an Integration Microsite webpage that showcases our integration approaches and how Globality connects to your existing workflows.

We also have a Developer APIs Microsite webpage where developers can self-serve and easily access the endpoints for the Public APIs we offer.


November 19, 2021

Enhancement to NDA Feature

For Buyer

Glo can now serve multiple NDA template options and you can simply select the right one for your project. Contact Globality Support to pre-load your NDA templates onto the Platform.


November 1, 2021

Internationalization: Spanish and Portuguese

For Buyer

Our Platform is now available in standard Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. When any of these languages are added to your account, Glo prompts users to select their preferred language, driving a more personalized experience for their sourcing needs.
End-to-End Platform Demo (Localized in Spanish):

brief in spanish

End-to-End Platform Demo (Portuguese Voiceover):

brief in portuguese (2)

October 19, 2021

Enhancements to Navigation Bars

For Buyer

In an effort to continue to deliver exceptional user experience on our Platform, we are making minor enhancements to the left-hand navigation bars within the Globality Platform.
With these enhancements, you can easily access key components that are crucial when sourcing needs, driving efficiency and better experience overall.

Updated main menu and project-level navigation bars:
screenshot_main_new_arrows                 screenshot_project_new_arrows


October 1, 2021

On Demand Platform Access for SSO-Enabled Accounts

For Buyer

We are excited to announce that if you have SSO enabled, you can now access Globality in a frictionless manner.
First-time users who are authorized to access Globality can simply log in through your organization’s SSO portal (e.g., Okta, OneLogin), or Globality’s login page, and will be granted immediate access to the Platform without needing an invitation to join Globality.
image-20211001-210152 (1)


September 13, 2021

Rating Assessment Optional Criteria

For Buyer

Globality’s assessment feature empowers you to assess suppliers efficiently and accurately, allowing you to select the best supplier with more confidence, increased transparency and compliance, without bias. 

We’re excited to share that this feature has been further enhanced and now users can focus more on assessing suppliers on criteria they are qualified to rate and simply skip the rest, driving flexibility and further efficiency.


August 31, 2021

End-to-End Platform Video Showcasing Most Recent Features

For Buyer

Watch this 7-minute demo video to get a deep understanding of how Globality works to source your needs across all your strategic spend to drive substantial savings, efficiency, and meet your ESG goals.



July 15, 2021

Proposal Documents Elegantly Organized

For Buyer

We are excited to share a new functionality that enables you to download all documents that come with supplier proposals. The files are elegantly organized for you based on your preference by suppliers or by proposal sections.



July 9, 2021

Access Permissions Based on Org Structure

For Buyer

Globality works with you to structure permissions based on your internal organizational structure and workflows, driving compliance and increased confidentiality across teams.

Access and visibility to projects will be based on pre-determined rules (e.g., who gets access to view and join a given project, who in Procurement gets automatically added to a given project), as well as project attributes (e.g., category, region, business unit) that a user is in.

To learn more, you can view this article in our Knowledge Base.


June 10, 2021

Custom Templates

For Buyer

We are excited to share that you can now experience an easy and organized way to leverage your standardized templates (e.g., pricing templates and other questionnaires) within the Platform to request information from suppliers in a specific format.

Glo will automatically serve category-specific templates and ask you to choose the appropriate template for each project, or a new template can be uploaded, making it a part of the overall requirements. Glo assists suppliers by guiding them to complete the templates and ensuring they are submitted as part of their proposals.

Once proposals are submitted, you can easily access these files in a central, organized manner when you are ready to do deeper analysis and evaluate suppliers.


May 19, 2021

Evaluating Multiple Proposal Scenarios

For Buyer

We are excited to share that suppliers can now submit more than one proposal for your projects with different approaches, timelines, or fee structures to potentially highlight cost-savings for you.

You can view and compare proposals by a single supplier, or choose to compare proposals across suppliers, enabling you to make the best decision when evaluating proposals. 


April 9, 2021

Access to Supplier's Contact Info

For Buyer

You now have the ability to view the contact information of the stakeholders at the supplier’s organization who receive the Smart Brief when they are invited to a project opportunity.

This lets you know who the leads are from the supplier side and you can leverage their information as needed. 



February 16, 2021

Enhanced Broadcast Messaging

For Buyer

You can now include attachments when broadcasting a message to suppliers which enables you to format supplier communications the way you like it. This broadcast functionality drives collaboration, efficiency, and compliance for you and your team.

